How Do You Prep Metal After Dustless Blasting

Posted on April 9th, 2023

Dustless blasting is a highly effective and versatile process that can be used to clean, strip, and restore a wide range of surfaces, including metal. After the dustless blasting process is completed, it's crucial to properly prep the metal to ensure a long-lasting, high-quality finish. In this blog post, we will guide you through the necessary steps to prep metal after dustless blasting, helping you achieve the best possible results.

1. Understanding the Dustless Blasting Process

Before diving into the steps for prepping metal after dustless blasting, it's essential to understand the process itself and why it's an excellent choice for many applications.

1.1. What is Dustless Blasting?

Dustless blasting is an environmentally friendly, powerful, and efficient method for removing rust, paint, and other contaminants from various surfaces, including metal. By combining water with abrasive materials and using compressed air to propel the mixture at high speeds, dustless blasting effectively eliminates contaminants while reducing dust and debris.

1.2. Advantages of Dustless Blasting

Dustless blasting offers several benefits over traditional sandblasting methods, including:

  • Reduced dust and debris
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Versatility in the types of surfaces it can be used on
  • Reduced risk of warping or damaging the surface

With a clear understanding of the dustless blasting process, let's move on to the steps for prepping metal after dustless blasting.

2. Inspecting the Surface

The first step in prepping metal after dustless blasting is to carefully inspect the surface to ensure all contaminants have been removed.

2.1. Look for Remaining Contaminants

Check the metal surface for any remaining rust, paint, or other contaminants. If any are present, they should be removed before moving on to the next step.

2.2. Check for Surface Damage

Inspect the surface for any signs of warping, pitting, or other damage that may have occurred during the dustless blasting process. If damage is found, it may need to be addressed before proceeding.

3. Cleaning the Surface

Once you've inspected the surface and are satisfied that all contaminants have been removed, it's time to clean the metal.

3.1. Remove Dust and Debris

Use a clean, dry, lint-free cloth or air compressor to remove any remaining dust and debris from the surface. This is important to ensure a smooth, even finish when applying a coating or paint.

3.2. Degrease the Surface

Apply a degreasing solution to the metal surface to remove any residual oil, grease, or other contaminants that may have been missed during the dustless blasting process. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the proper application and removal of the degreasing solution.

4. Preparing the Surface for Coating or Painting

With the metal surface clean and free of contaminants, it's time to prepare it for the application of a coating or paint.

4.1. Choosing the Right Primer or Coating

Select a primer or coating specifically designed for use on metal surfaces. This will ensure proper adhesion and long-lasting protection.

4.2. Applying the Primer or Coating

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for applying the primer or coating to the metal surface. This may include using a brush, roller, or spray application method. Allow the primer or coating to dry according to the manufacturer's recommended drying time.

5. Applying the Final Finish

Once the primer or coating has dried, you can move on to applying the final finish to the metal surface.

5.1. Selecting the Right Finish

Choose a finish that is appropriate for the specific type of metal and the intended use of the object. This may include paint, powder coating, or other protective coatings.

5.2. Applying the Finish

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for applying the chosen finish to the metal surface. As with the primer or coating, this may involve using a brush, roller, or spray application method. Allow the finish to dry according to the manufacturer's recommended drying time.

6. Post-Finishing Care

After the final finish has been applied and dried, it's essential to take care of the metal surface to ensure long-lasting protection and maintain its appearance.

6.1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Clean the metal surface regularly to remove dirt, dust, and debris that can accumulate over time. Use a gentle cleaning solution and soft cloth to avoid scratching the surface.

6.2. Protecting the Surface from the Elements

If the metal object is exposed to the elements, such as outdoor furniture or automotive parts, take steps to protect it from rain, snow, and UV rays. This may include using a protective cover or applying a UV-resistant coating.

Caring for Your Vehicle After Dustless Blasting

Dustless blasting is a highly effective method for removing rust, paint, and other contaminants from your vehicle's surface, leaving it looking fresh and clean. However, the process doesn't end there. Proper care and maintenance are essential to keeping your vehicle in top condition after dustless blasting.

Regular washing is essential to maintaining your vehicle's appearance and protecting its surface after dustless blasting. Select gentle, pH-balanced car wash products specifically designed for automotive surfaces. This will help prevent damage to your vehicle's paint and clear coat. Use a soft, non-abrasive sponge or microfiber mitt to gently wash your vehicle, avoiding any harsh scrubbing that may scratch the surface. Rinse thoroughly with clean water, ensuring all soap and debris are removed. It is recommended to wash your vehicle at least once every two weeks or more frequently, depending on the level of dirt and debris it is exposed to. Drying your vehicle properly is also important to prevent water spots and streaks. Use a clean, soft microfiber towel or chamois to gently dry the surface, working from the top down. Be sure to wring out the towel or chamois frequently to avoid reintroducing dirt and debris onto the surface. Protecting your vehicle's paint and surface is another crucial aspect of post-dustless blasting care. Applying a high-quality wax or sealant will help shield the surface from environmental contaminants, UV rays, and other potential sources of damage. Choose a product that is specifically designed for automotive paint, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for application. It is generally recommended to wax or seal your vehicle every three to six months, depending on the specific product and your local climate.

Aside from regular washing and waxing, it is essential to inspect your vehicle for any signs of damage or wear on a routine basis. This may include checking for chips, scratches, or other imperfections in the paint, as well as signs of rust or corrosion. Addressing these issues promptly can help prevent more extensive damage and maintain your vehicle's appearance. In addition, taking care of your vehicle's interior is equally important. Vacuum the interior regularly to remove dirt, debris, and other particles that can cause wear and tear on your upholstery and carpeting. Use appropriate cleaning products for your vehicle's specific materials, such as leather, vinyl, or fabric, to keep them clean and conditioned. Don't forget to clean and protect any plastic or rubber surfaces, such as dashboards and door seals, with a UV-protectant product.

Lastly, maintaining your vehicle's mechanical components is crucial to ensure its overall longevity and performance after dustless blasting. Regularly check and change your vehicle's fluids, such as engine oil, coolant, and brake fluid. Keep an eye on your tires, ensuring they are properly inflated and rotated as needed. Regularly inspect your vehicle's brakes, suspension, and other components for signs of wear or damage.


Properly prepping metal after dustless blasting is crucial to achieving a high-quality, long-lasting finish. By following these steps, you can ensure that your metal surface is clean, protected, and ready for use. If you require assistance with dustless blasting or need advice on prepping metal surfaces, BWC Foundation Inc. is here to help. I specialize in dustless blasting services for Saint Croix, Barron, Dunn, Rusk, Chippewa, Polk, Washburn, Lincoln, Marathon, Wood, Jackson, Pierce, Pepin, and Eau Claire counties. Contact me at (651) 600-5251 or [email protected], and let me assist you with your dustless blasting needs. Book with me today!

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